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AS/NZS ISO 19111:2008 (R2018)

AS/NZS ISO 19111:2008 (R2018)

Geographic information - Spatial referencing by coordinates

Standards Australia

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Table of Contents

<bookmark index=&apos;0&apos;>
<text>AS/NZS ISO 19111:2008 Geographic information - Spatial referencing by coordinates</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;1&apos;>
<bookmark index=&apos;2&apos;>
<bookmark index=&apos;3&apos;>
<bookmark index=&apos;4&apos;>
<text>1 Scope</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;5&apos;>
<text>2 Conformance requirements</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;6&apos;>
<text>3 Normative references</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;7&apos;>
<text>4 Terms and definitions</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;8&apos;>
<text>5 Conventions</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;9&apos;>
<text>5.1 Symbols</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;10&apos;>
<text>5.2 Abbreviated terms</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;11&apos;>
<text>5.3 UML notation</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;12&apos;>
<text>5.4 Attribute status</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;13&apos;>
<text>6 Spatial referencing by coordinates - Overview</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;14&apos;>
<text>6.1 Relationship between coordinates and coordinate reference system</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;15&apos;>
<text>6.2 UML model for spatial referencing by coordinates - Overview</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;16&apos;>
<text>7 Identified Object package</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;17&apos;>
<text>7.1 General</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;18&apos;>
<text>7.2 UML schema for the Identified Object package</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;19&apos;>
<text>8 Coordinate Reference System package</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;20&apos;>
<text>8.1 Reference system</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;21&apos;>
<text>8.2 Coordinate reference system</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;22&apos;>
<text>8.3 UML schema for the Coordinate Reference System package</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;23&apos;>
<text>9 Coordinate System package</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;24&apos;>
<text>9.1 Introduction</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;25&apos;>
<text>9.2 Coordinate system</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;26&apos;>
<text>9.3 Coordinate system axis</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;27&apos;>
<text>9.4 UML schema for the Coordinate System package</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;28&apos;>
<text>10 Datum package</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;29&apos;>
<text>10.1 Types of datums</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;30&apos;>
<text>10.2 Geodetic datum</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;31&apos;>
<text>10.3 UML schema for the Datum package</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;32&apos;>
<text>11 Coordinate Operation package</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;33&apos;>
<text>11.1 General characteristics of coordinate operations</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;34&apos;>
<text>11.2 UML schema for the Coordinate Operation package</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;35&apos;>
<text>Annex A (normative) Abstract test suite</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;36&apos;>
<text>Annex B (informative) Context for modelling of spatial referencing by coordinates</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;37&apos;>
<text>Annex C (informative) Spatial referencing by coordinates &#150; Geodetic concepts</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;38&apos;>
<text>Annex D (informative) Examples</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;39&apos;>
<text>Annex E (informative) Recommended best practice for interfacing to ISO 19111</text>
<bookmark index=&apos;40&apos;>


This Standard defines conceptual schema for the description of spatial referencing by coordinates, optionally extended to spatial-temporal referencing.<br><br>RECONFIRMATION NOTICE<br>Technical Committee IT-004 has reviewed the content of this publication and in accordance with Standards Australia procedures for reconfirmation, it has been determined that the publication is still valid and does not require change.<br>Certain documents referenced in the publication may have been amended since the original date of publication. Users are advised to ensure that they are using the latest versions of such documents as appropriate, unless advised otherwise in this Reconfirmation Notice.<br>Approved for reconfirmation in accordance with Standards Australia procedures for reconfirmation on 9 April 2018.<br>Approved for reconfirmation in New Zealand on behalf of the New Zealand Standards Approval Board on 26 June 2018.<br>The following are represented on Technical Committee IT-004:<br>ANZLIC - the Spatial Information Council<br>Australian Antarctic Division<br>Australian Bureau of Meteorology<br>Australian Bureau of Statistics<br>Australian Maritime Safety Authority<br>CSIRO<br>Curtin University of Technology<br>Department of Defence (Australian Government)<br>Department of Human Services (Australian Government)<br>Geoscience Australia<br>InterGovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping<br>New Zealand Geospatial Office<br>Science New Zealand Inc<br>Spatial Industries Business Association

General Product Information

Document Type Standard
Status Current
Publisher Standards Australia
ProductNote Reconfirmed 27/07/2018.
This standard has been reconfirmed in Australia in 2018 and remains current in New Zealand. Reconfirmation Notice 27/07/2018
Committee IT-004
  • AS/NZS ISO 19111:2004
  • DR 08105 CP

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