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JIS C 1102-1:2007

JIS C 1102-1:2007

Direct Acting Indicating Analogue Electrical Measuring Instruments And Their Accessories - Part 1: Definitions And General Requirements Common To All Parts

Japanese Standards Association

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Table of Contents

1 General
1.1 Scope
1.2 Normative references
2 Definitions
2.1 General terms
2.2 Description of instruments according to their method
of operation
2.3 Constructional features of instruments
2.4 Characteristic features of instruments
2.5 Characteristic values
2.6 Influence quantity, reference conditions, nominal range
of use and preconditioning
2.7 Errors and variations
2.8 Accuracy, accuracy class and class index
3 Description, classification and compliance
3.1 Description
3.2 Classification
3.3 Compliance with the requirements of this Standard
4 Reference conditions and intrinsic errors
4.1 Reference conditions
4.2 Limits of intrinsic error, fiducial value
5 Nominal range of use and variations
5.1 Nominal range of use
5.2 Limits of variations
5.3 Conditions for the determination of variations
6 Further electrical and mechanical requirements
6.1 Voltage tests, insulation tests and other safety
6.2 Damping
6.3 Self-heating
6.4 Permissible overloads
6.5 Limiting values of temperature
6.6 Deviation from zero
7 Constructional requirements
7.1 Sealing to prevent access
7.2 Scales
7.3 Preferred values
7.4 Adjusters, mechanical and/or electrical
7.5 Effects of vibration and shock
7.6 Indication of out-of-range values of the measurand
8 Information, general markings and symbols
8.1 Information
8.2 Markings, symbols and their locations
8.3 Markings relating to the reference values and nominal
ranges of use of influence quantities
9 Markings and symbols for terminals
9.1 Requirements for markings
9.2 Earthing (grounding) terminals
9.3 Measuring circuit terminals
9.4 Special markings for terminals
10 Tests to prove compliance with this Standard
Annex A-1 (informative) - Tests
Annex B-1 (normative) - Permissible errors and variations
Annex JA (informative) - Markings (safety)
Annex JB (normative) - Safety requirements for fixed
Annex JC (informative) - Comparison table between JIS and
corresponding International Standard


Relates to direct acting indicating electrical measuring instruments having an analogue display.

General Product Information

Document Type Standard
Status Current
Publisher Japanese Standards Association
ProductNote Supersedes JIS C1102 (05/2002)
  • JIS C 1102:1981
  • JIS C 1102-1:1997

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