JIS B 1753:2013
JIS B 1753:2013
Acceptance Code For Gear Units - Test Code For Airborne Sound
Japanese Standards Association
Acceptance Code For Gear Units - Test Code For Airborne Sound
Japanese Standards Association
1 Scope
2 Terms and definitions
3 Terms and definitions
4 Gear configuration and acoustic environments
5 Sound power level determination
6 Determination of emission sound pressure level
7 Installation and mounting conditions
8 Operating conditions during sound measurements
9 Information to be recorded
10 Information to be reported
11 Declaration and verification of values of airborne sound
12 others
Annex A (information) - Examples of microphone positions
on measurement surfaces for different gear
types and sizes
Annex B (informative) - Typical sound levels for different
gear types and sizes (sound power and sound
Annex C (information) - Information for determination
of JIS Z 8733:2000
Annex JA (informative) - Comparison table between JIS
and corresponding International Standard
Describes the instruction and the standardized conditions necessary for the determination
Document Type | Standard |
Status | Current |
Publisher | Japanese Standards Association |
Supersedes |